Monday 1 October 2018


Its complete cycle. Round and round. We slipped, then we get back on track. Its okay. Do not care how many times we fall down, the important thing is we get up again. That's my life motto. Life feel so good when you can smile again after you cry. Yup, hopeless over the weekend, with nobody knows. But, I get up. Walaupun lambat, but I still get up. Now ada dkt IRC, at least one achievement already! Nope, bukan satu, tapi bnyk. I managed to stop watching drama (finished all the episode already hiks), managed to mandi wajib then solat. managed to have my stomach full. n manage to be here. Thats lot of improvement and achievement, right? I'm not gonna give up. I live for my parents, my friends, for Nuest and Suju, for people surround me, and most important, I live for me. I want to feel proud of myself. The process is not gonna be easy, but most importantly, I did not give up. There's still hope. 
Oh, and regarding my master, I know what I did is wrong. and I will not gonna repeat it again. I learned truly about the real meaning of integrity. Its make your heart not in ease. I believe the time given is the opportunity for me do correct it. I still have time, only if I really do it in the right way this time. Yeah so little time, so many to do. but what to do? my mistakes the last time, I waste so much time. But its okay, selagi aku buat perkara yg betul. If I do it right, maybe I don't need to tell everything. Buat perkara yg betul, dan kalau busted, kita bagitau benda yg betul. for now, teruskan dgn membetulkan apa yg salah. 
Selagi hati tak tenang, selagi tuh kita tahu ada benda yang tak settle. Maafkan orang, dan minta maaf dkt orang (dgn jujur dan ikhlas). Positive.

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