Tuesday 16 October 2018

Life has been good lately

I start to adapt the act of grateful in my life. I'm happy and grateful for everything. Oh, and I started to write to my idol (but have stop due to certain reason), regarding my daily life. During the process, I learned to see positive things in my life and also I try to accomplish things daily. I learned to forgive myself if things not according to plan. Most importantly, I manage to overcome self-harm thoughts. Yeay, for me! I know it might be temporary, but at least it is a success at that time. One more thing, I try to create routine in my life. I start to pray "sunat", sleep early (regular time), waking up early, do yoga or stretching at least. I also start learning Korean, and try to improve my English. Yup, the progress for my research is so slow (and I think its so little), but at least I'm moving forward. Not stuck at one place. I keep learning. Things are hard, but nothing worthy comes easy. Work hard for bigger success. We can do this! Keep the spirit high, keep the hope high. Don't wary on unnecessary thing, and don't compromise with our goal. Be passionate. Till then, hope we will always be grateful, happy and insightful. Bye 😸

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