Sunday 26 February 2017

Cinta. Finding love.

I create unnecessary scene in my mind, then later found that I'm already hoping for it to be happen. Crazy right.?
Aku memang selalu digossipkan, dan aku pon mmg suka melayan gossip. Tapi kadang2 walaupun aku tau itu gossip, hati nih tak boleh lari dari tersuka/terhope something. Then, aku suka create scene yg acah2 romantik atau any scene yg mungkin membolehkan orang suka/fall for me, which lead to I'm hoping for it to be happen, which in my concern will never.
and then bila kononnya ada org suka dkt kita, aku tak tahu mcm mana nk react. mybe sbb dh biasa melayan gossip dan mengacau org, smpai bila sendiri yg kena, aku tak tahu nak buat apa. Which main reason is sbb aku taknak aku betul2 tersuka pulak nnti. entahlah, kita tengok dan lihat je effort dia mcm mana, sbb aku tak pasti dia akan still suka atau tidak bila tau perangai/condition sebenar aku.
yes, life complicated. But giving out love is not. Just love every each person you meet the same way you loving yourself. Later, someday, you will find your true love, I believe that.

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