Tuesday 11 February 2020

"Academic Probation"

Semalam dapat results. Seperti yang dijangka selepas BAPC presentation dlu.
Yes, dgn tak jumpa SV for a year, then hantar paper without consultation, and present takleh jawab pape.. mmg patut dapat fail. <65%

I'm indeed sabotaging myself. I choose this path, and need to bare the consequences.
Now I understand the importance of money, and future.

Mungkin sebab aku 'takpernah' gagal. Dan selalunya apa aku nak, aku dapat. Ini masanya untuk merasai dan mendaki. Indeed, tanpa usaha will not be any success. Man jadda wajada. Sesiapa yang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh, pasti berjaya.

The thing is nobody know. Taktau patut ckp dkt balqis or not. Nak cerita dkt nisa/fanla pon rasa mcm takperlu.. My parents/family lagilah aku mmg takpernah nak ckp pape.. Dan sememangnya aku malu dgn kegagalan diri. Jujur kata, kalau orang tanya kenapa boleh jadi gini, aku pon taktau punca. Mungkin sebab takfaham/takut dan lari dari masalah/halangan/cabaran, then aku memilih untuk lagha. Memilih untuk keseronokkan sementara, lari dari kesusahan/kepayahan. Aku pilih entertainment. Aku pilih kpop/youtube/sns sebab ia lebih mudah. Tanpa aku realize, masa berlalu begitu saja, hampir 2 tahun tanpa kemajuan. Masih di takuk lama, or sebenarnya masih di peringkat awal. People give me opportunity and free pass, but I didn't appreciate it.
Masa berjalan tanpa menunggu sesiapa pun. Sehari berlalu, tiba2 jadi seminggu. Tanpa sedar, 2 tahun berlalu dengan sia-sia.
Betullah orang kata, benda yang berharga itu takmudah. Its not worth if it easy. Worth things don't come easily. Masa itu emas, yang dah disiakan takkan dapat dibeli dan takkan kembali.

I learned the hard way. Now, the only way to correct and move forward is facing the challenge, and face/bare it. My failure not necessary will define the future me. I can make it better by doing better or at least doing the right things. And the next right thing to do is to be brave enough to learn. To take on new challenge in learning/progressing.

My master journey teach me to be self-perseverance. Never give up even when you didn't have option. Keep exploring new ways to make it happen. Keep believing and have faith in my self. Don't doubt yourself that you are able to success and do the right things.
Keep going 💪🏽